insensate granite hearts - immuned to love,
reduce their possibilities to none
for stranger - maybe angel- from above
to touch their inward parts to tender dawn.
complacent in their stoicism grand,
to bland homeostasis boldly cling;
unknowing of the range a soul may span,
or bliss of which celestial voices sing.

"come stone and we will gentle you like moss,
and softly will erode your granite face,
and fill each crevice left behind with trust,
and soothe your jagged edges smooth with grace."

but granite hearts so hardly ever hear
and seldom listen well enough - or long;
afraid perhaps their pain would disappear
and other reasons they must seem so strong.
yet stronger still are those who in their might
courageously expose their naked souls
to every wound and every broad delight
that gods and life or such as love propose.