is anything more beautiful
than being here with her and thee?
the constant comfort of the brook,
it's murmuring through rocks and crannies,
lullabies of waterfalls.
the soft enchanting of the trees,
whispers on a breeze, and shadows
cast below on rippled glass.

her young and perfect mermaid body
thrives - at home beneath the water.
sunlight diamonds glisten on her skin,
goose-pimpled by the wind, as she
ascends toward the sands;
some venus from her sea shell rising,
small brown puppy at her side,
the moment dazzling in her eyes.

great round cunt within the granite
pours forth flood of living waters.
captures sunlight's crystal rainbows
on the spray from her delighted
play, as dog and mermaid dance collide,
this lovely afternoon.
while underneath a new moon sky,
recumbent goddess watches by.