i've seen that look before,
those eyes,
that gaze in my direction.
not at me,
but at some fair projection
wrought within the shallows of desire.

i've seen that fire,
the dream-like stare.
that hazy rapt expression
blind by reason of obsession
mind intent
upon illusions entertained.

i've seen that pain.
i've seen the portraits painted
by delusion's light,
bear only slight resemblance to
the one portrayed.

i've seen the way that visions falter
and succomb to vague
when at last the mind's confusion
finally lapses into glimpses of what's real.

and i know how you feel.
i've seen me, through those eyes.
tho i could hardly recognize myself
so blatantly enthroned.
no trace of shadow found
upon the face that you alone behold.

ah yes...
i've seen that look before
those eyes.
but when the time of adulation ends
and pretense and disguises all must die
and fall away,

i'll see betrayal made complete
in subtle indiscretions in those eyes,
the bittersweet expressions
hidden in a glance.
i'll see the evidence that it is i
alone whom those eyes see
when i suffer a demotion
in their previous esteem.